Dear Readers,
Its my first blog since I joined blogspot. I dont know exactly what I'll be writing about but I hope it gains the interest of some. The reason I created a blog is so I can say whatever I want without having to be kept in the restraints of "writer's" world. I also created this blog so I'd be able to build my portfolio of things I've written. I want to be a journalist...among other things as i figured this would be a good way to start. I could get my name out there, well the name I go by, which is ForgottenRemy, and show people that age doesn't define a person's writing abilities or aspirations, it just inhances them and gives them the drive they need to continue on and persue their dreams. I hope to showcase all the different comodities that are interesting to me, whether it be about music or beauty, and also hope to shed light on different subject matters with my own personal opinions and reflections.