Saturday, July 14, 2012

Shopping Cravings

So Lately I've been going from store to store in search of God knows what. I've developed a sudden urge to shoe shop, which is totally uncharacteristic of me, especially since I wear practically the same pair of shoes everyday...which are my navy blue converse. While watching some hair tutorial vidoes, I found two shoe designers,Cathy Jean and Aido, whose shoes embody my personality to the dot. Also...I'm really loving some of the shoes Forever 21 has as well. I feel like changing my style subtly, however I dont really know what style I have...I think I want to start a Vintage collection of shoes and clothes...I'm gonna enjoy experimenting with new things.
Down below are three pairs of shows out of the twenty I looked at today.

                                                   Military Boot by Cathy Jean

                                                         Madden Girl Boots
Madden Girl Zorrba Boot
                                                        Taryn Rose Bice Flats

Taryn by Taryn Rose Bice Flat

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Just an Average Day

Today is July 3rd. Obviously that means tomorrow's July 4th. The day of BBQ and fireworks. The day the family comes over and the kids swim in the pool....

Summer is flying by, before you know it it'll be the end of 2012 will be here and then we'll be welcoming in the new year, the year of 2013. Some believe that this is the year the world ends, truth of the matter is that no one truly knows, however its what people believe. Some take that as an excuse to live by the phrase YOLO (you only live once) however that phrase doesnt give one permission to go out and act like an idiot. As life strives on everyday we learn new things and we welcome in life, just this past month my mom welcomed her third child into the world, his name is Nathan Jacob-Owen Williamson. He's an energetic baby who loves to sleep during the day but becomes a night owl when the sun goes down. Its things like this that make you want to believe and enjoy the small things, because without the small things we'd be lost. It is for the small things that come together to create one big thing called life.